Created For Now
I watched this busy bee work today. From flower to flower. I’m pretty busy most of the time, but I am sure I don’t have moves like this little guy.
He doesn’t care what’s happening in the world around him. He only cares about getting the nector out of that flower. In this time. Right now. Once he’s finished, he flies to another flower.
I think he knows he was created to do this. He glorifies his creator by doing it.
How can there be athiests when bees are busy? The order of such a small world is magnificent. I’m told that bees should not be able to fly, they are not aerodynamically designed to do so. Amazing.
Moving Forward
Another question: how can there be so much turmoil when life was created with beauty and symmetry? This bee doesn’t know the difference. He just continues his work. And the rose blossom will eventually become a rosehip, good for various uses.
God has created us to show His glory. No matter what is going on around us or in the world. He is still sovereign.
He has given all of us gifts and talents to benefit each other and the world. And dreams and visions as to how to use them. He hasn’t overlooked anything.
He supplies all that is needed to bless us and glorify His Name.
He is All in All.
Created For Magnificence
So even as this world seems to swirl drunkenly, we are to occupy until Jesus returns. Each space He has given us.
To bring light to the darkness.
To point to the brilliance of the sun as it crests the hill at dawn and casts its rays over the earth.
To feast our eyes on His magnificence every day.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Always, there is hope in Him.
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