Do you ever wonder about the story behind the story? I have one for you.
In Kevin’s Camp Surprise a junior high boy takes a dive into a chili bath after hijinks with his buddy at dinner one evening.
This scene didn’t just spring from my imagination. I would have preferred that. However, this accident happened to me at a church chili feed. After the service. In front of everybody. Oh, woe was me. With a loaded tray of chili, chips and dessert, I stumbled and went flying. A true chili bath, I had it in my hair, on my arms and clothes. When I landed on the floor, I was stunned for a minute before I could answer questions. Friends surrounded me, washed my arms and hands, checked out my limbs to make sure everything still worked, and even mopped up the mess on the floor. Another sweet friend filled a second tray for me and took it to the table so I could eat. Bless them all. And the chili was yummy. Yes, it made good fodder for a story scene.
Read about it in Kevin’s Camp Surprise.
I have recovered.
Thank you.
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