Bustle, Color, and Fatigue
I love the color of Christmas. The bright lights. The pretty decorations. It’s a feast for the eyes. And the scents of pine, winterberry, and other sweet fragrances. It is like no other time of year.
The bustle can be fun and/or overwhelming. So many activities to choose.
And so many chores to do. That can bring on fatigue.
A Moment
At church yesterday, it was one of those mornings. Things just weren’t going as well as they could. I took a little break and had a moment to chat with a young woman. She had come into church frazzled.
We commiserated about the busyness of the season and laughed it off as “well, that’s Christmas.”
Whatever that is.
Except – that our Savior came.
Simple Christmas
Later in the service, she related our moment. And her storytelling was a treasure to me. She gave back to me the gift I had unwittingly given to her.
Our Savior came.
When all is stripped away, the lights, the ribbons, the carols.
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