A Word
Do you choose a new word to define the coming year in your life? Many of us do. It might be a word that we hope will give us a worthy goal, or mark out a new direction for us, or describe our current circumstances or whatever.
My word for 2024 was hover.
To question the word was my first response. What could hover possibly mean? Who even uses that word anymore? Unless it is to explain a drone that hovers over municipal or other important places. That usually implies spying or something nefarious.
Webster’s Dictionary says that to hover means 1) to flutter in the air near one place 2) to linger close by 3) to waver between.
What could that have to do with the daily operations of living?
Then, 2024’s whirlwind hit my family. Several severe situations. Not all at once but strung out over the year. At least we were all in it together, that was a saving grace. The situations are still ongoing, even into the new year. But there’s another word for the next twelve months. We’ll see how that plays out.
The Look Back
As I look back, I begin to understand my word for 2024. Throughout all the traumas and difficulties, I can see where the Spirit of God hovered over us. From the time He assured me that all the secrets would be revealed, He gently guided all of us forward.
Not that anything became easy, it didn’t, but God proved Himself trustworthy. He answered every situation and question, as needed.
And because He was trustworthy in the past things, we can be confident that He will work the present and future circumstances for our good.
God Hovers
Like the loving Father that He is, God hovers over all of us. He lingers close by. He wavers in the air around us. He goes before us. Behind us. He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. No matter the conditions of our lives. He hovers over us.
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